5 Ways VR Can Boost Workplace Productivity

When businesses make a decision on whether to invest in Virtual Reality or not, the return of investment (ROI) is one of the top deciding factors. An indirect way that VR will affect your ROI is by boosting the general workplace productivity – a factor that is closely tied to the success of your business […]
How to manage VR content in Oculus? The smart guide for 2022

As Virtual Reality technology grows rapidly, more people are joining the VR industry and purchasing VR headsets for different purposes. One of the most common use cases of VR is content consumption. VR content is consumed in many different formats, one of them being videos. Out of the box VR headsets do not come with […]
What you need to know before getting VR for your business: our tips for getting started with VR

So, you have decided to go ahead and make use of VR technology for your company. You are planning to have a virtual meeting in a virtual space surrounded by virtual tools. To do this you need a VR meeting app with a VR headset such as Oculus. A VR meeting app is any app […]
5 Ways VR Can Boost Workplace Productivity

When businesses make a decision on whether to invest in Virtual Reality or not, the return of investment (ROI) is one of the top deciding factors. An indirect way that VR will affect your ROI is by boosting the general workplace productivity – a factor that is closely tied to the success of your business […]
VR headsets that know your emotions? What biometric data-tracking can do.

Imagine you’re training to be a pilot or a doctor, experiencing a simulation in VR with convincing images and tools that feel like the real thing. And not only do you get to know how you did afterwards, but you can see how you focused, what your pulse rate was and maybe even what you […]
ROI of VR: What is the return of investment for VR? A case study.

Most companies still think using Virtual Reality for training is too expensive. Yet, when making this assumption, a lot of things are not taken into consideration. Let’s just take a look at the most important attribute for any investment: the Return of investment, short ROI. When you actually do the maths, you realise that not […]
Does VR actually work for businesses? Here’s the proof.

These days, businesses turn to advancing technologies to gain strategic advantage ahead of their competitors. One of those technologies is virtual reality. However, is implementing VR in your business actually worth the investment? Does it really work? Well, the short answer is yes. Businesses operating in high-risk fields and heavy industries have been the early […]
Physical risks in VR? What you need to know to reduce them.

Carpal tunnel, stiff shoulders, eye-strain headaches — these are all well-known side effects of prolonged computer use. But what happens when you step away from the desktop and into virtual reality? What are the physical risks in VR? A recent study from Oregon State University assessed how some common virtual reality movements contribute to muscle […]
How to avoid failure with VR: what we can learn from failed VR projects.

Virtual reality offers a wider range of solutions for businesses. It enhances business activities such as; corporate training, sales, marketing, HR processes. Due to technological advancements, VR can be implemented in any industry. Healthcare, education, construction and real estate are some of the industries that VR is already being implemented. But why do some VR […]
What VR can do: ‘Epidermal VR’ gives technology a human touch

Imagine being able to feel a hold of a hand, with a loved one that’s miles away. Or a pat on the back from a teammate in an online game. That would be great, right? Researchers of Northwestern University have developed a new thin, wireless system that adds a sense of touch to any virtual […]
What are the benefits of E-learning and VR?

Starting out with VR, we had no clearer picture of what advantages and disadvantages VR training had to offer than any other amateur. By now, after years of experience, the possibilities and feasibility of VR content over regular video for training can be assessed much more easily. So, what are the benefits of E-learning and […]
What VR can do: Making empathy easier

VR eases Empathy:New research published in eNeuro shows that virtual reality activates brain networks that increases the ability to identify with other people. The technology is sought to become a tool in the treatment of violent offenders to show more empathy to others. In order to have successful relationships, it is important to understand someone’s […]
The top 10 reasons why hand-tracking is better in VR than controllers

Virtual reality is an evolving technology. Usually, VR users control things in the virtual world using controllers. Since the hand tracking technology made its debut in the VR world, it has definitely altered the way people use their VR headsets. The hand tracking technology promises a future where there will be no more hassle with […]
How does VR impact your stress level?

Behavioural scientists have developed a virtual reality test that assesses a person’s vulnerability to stress while exploring immersive environments. The resulting model offers the field of stress research one of the first such tools that do not rely on subjective evaluations. All humans react to stress in different ways. Some of us are more susceptible […]
What is the difference between 3DoF vs 6DoF in VR? The comprehensive guide to Degrees of Freedom

In VR, DoF is a common abbreviation that stands for “Degree of Freedom”. The number before it shows how many different axes are being tracked: 3 or 6, 3DoF vs 6DoF. When deciding which type of VR headset to buy, it is essential to consider its DoF tracking capabilities: 3DoF is enough for 360 video, […]
What is the difference between 360° Video and 3D Virtual Reality?

Have you ever wondered what the differences between 360° videos and 3D VR are? Can they possibly be manipulated? And how do they differ in production? This blog breaks it all down. Virtual Reality content is Virtual Reality content. Right? Well, not quite. There are two main categories of content: 360° degree video and 3D […]
Why choose the Oculus Quest 2 Killer for VR? (or why not) A competitor’s analysis.

Oculus Quest 2 is an awesome piece of hardware. It’s got a high resolution, good tracking quality and it’s rocking one of the most powerful mobile CPUs out there for AR and VR functions. It’s cheap relatively to almost any other headset. There’s a reason why the quest 2 has flown off shelves. But it […]
What are the best VR training use cases?

VR training has many benefits over traditional training practices, such as time efficiency, cost-efficiency, low-risk practices, creativity and much more. But how do you know where to implement VR in your business? In what departments would VR bring the most benefits to your business? With a VR headset, your business can make use of VR […]
What is possible with Virtual Reality? Mind control & VR

What if you could control your world with a single thought? What could you possibly do? Well, wonder no more. NextMind just released a Dev Kit for mind-controlled computing. The NextMind controller is a sensor that lets you command technology using your mind in real-time. It gives developers the possibility to build the first generation […]
How to integrate your LMS into VR? VR training made easy.

Businesses these days are using more software systems than ever before. At an average of 129 different software systems, nearly 10% of businesses now have more than 200 apps. The best way to get the most out of these software is when they are integrated together and sync in harmony. One of the perfect examples […]
Is the Oculus Quest 3 coming soon?

Here’s an update on all the Oculus Quest 3 Rumours and likely release date. A new Oculus VR Headset seems to be in development, most likely the Oculus Quest 3. This speculation comes after being confirmed by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg in a January earnings call for the month. Though the project details have not […]
How to publish something on the helpdesk TEST
want dit zou dus awesome moeten zijn
How to get the best VR experience: The 15 best Oculus Quest 2 accessories

So you own an Oculus Quest 2, and you want to ramp up and transform your VR experience. Whether you’re looking for a way to play PC VR games from Steam, making your controllers rechargeable or just a more comfortable fit. What accessories are out there to try out? Well here’s a list of 15 […]
Which VR store is the best? A comparison between the Oculus and the Pico Store.

In this article, we will be discussing Oculus vs Pico Store, the differences between the Oculus Store and the Pico Store for the B2B market. Now before you invest in a virtual reality headset, you must be asking yourself which of the two has better services to offer? One of the variables is the VR […]
Succesvolle investeringen in Amsterdamse Virtual Reality Startup maken VR toegankelijker als e-Learning tool.

Reeds €59.000,- geïnvesteerd in Smart VR Lab door angel-investors en strategische partner. Amsterdam, 21 januari 2021 De Amsterdamse onderneming Smart VR Lab heeft in haar eerste investeringsronde, uitgevoerd via leapfunder.com, reeds een bedrag van €59.000,-opgehaald, waaronder een significante investering van de managed serviceprovider Trans-iX. Smart VR Lab ontwikkelt een Content Management Systeem voor Virtual Reality. […]
Facebook faces a Lawsuit filed by FTC for illegal Monopolization: What now?

After a recent investigation, 48 states and The Federal Trade Commission (whose principal mission is the enforcement of civil U.S. antitrust law and the promotion of consumer protection) have launched lawsuits against Facebook and Oculus regarding concerns over anti-competitive and monopolization practices by the company. Though the FTC’s Lawsuit doesn’t necessarily mention Oculus or VR […]
What is the best VR for business? Oculus vs Pico.

Oculus and Pico are two amongst a list of Virtual Reality (VR) headset giants available in the market today. As many would ask themselves the question whether one is better than the other in terms of their technical specifications, it all depends from what perspective you ask yourself that question in the first place. Are […]
How to invest in Virtual Reality?

Ever thought of investing in an industry that had high growth potential in the very near future? Virtual Reality (VR) is your obvious choice. In recent years, the VR industry has been constantly growing at a global capacity and increasingly becoming one of the breakthrough technologies. Why invest in VR? Virtual Reality is without a […]
How to wirelessly Sideload Oculus Go and Quest: A quick guide.

Many B2B VR users are looking for a way to wirelessly sideload Oculus Go and Quest devices. Because it would be great if you could sideload apps with a wireless Wifi connection. Because let’s face it. Sideloading is nobody’s hobby. Nobody likes plugging in cables to 30 VR devices and changing content one by one. […]
What is a Virtual Reality Content Management System?

Virtual Reality Content Management System – that is a mouthful. Let’s stick with the abbreviation VR CMS. So what does a ‘VR CMS’ do? It obviously ‘manages’ VR content. However… what does that actually mean? By using a VR content management system, organizations gather, create, distribute, and organize all VR content in one central location. […]
Why and when to use Virtual Reality training?

When we started filming and selling Virtual Reality training (VR) we, like most newbies to VR, lacked a clear understanding of its advantages and disadvantages over regular video for training. Not only did we lack know-how and experience but also the state of the technique was immature at the time. Therefore, it was hard to […]