How to manage VR content in Oculus? The smart guide for 2022

As Virtual Reality technology grows rapidly, more people are joining the VR industry and purchasing VR headsets for different purposes. One of the most common use cases of VR is content consumption. VR content is consumed in many different formats, one of them being videos. Out of the box VR headsets do not come with […]

ROI of VR: What is the return of investment for VR? A case study.

Most companies still think using Virtual Reality for training is too expensive. Yet, when making this assumption, a lot of things are not taken into consideration. Let’s just take a look at the most important attribute for any investment: the Return of investment, short ROI. When you actually do the maths, you realise that not […]

How to avoid failure with VR: what we can learn from failed VR projects.

Virtual reality offers a wider range of solutions for businesses. It enhances business activities such as; corporate training, sales, marketing, HR processes. Due to technological advancements, VR can be implemented in any industry. Healthcare, education, construction and real estate are some of the industries that VR is already being implemented. But why do some VR […]

How to wirelessly Sideload Oculus Go and Quest: A quick guide.

Sideload screen with Command Line

Many B2B VR users are looking for a way to wirelessly sideload Oculus Go and Quest devices. Because it would be great if you could sideload apps with a wireless Wifi connection. Because let’s face it. Sideloading is nobody’s hobby. Nobody likes plugging in cables to 30 VR devices and changing content one by one. […]

What is a Virtual Reality Content Management System?

Smart VR Lab VR CMS

Virtual Reality Content Management System – that is a mouthful. Let’s stick with the abbreviation VR CMS. So what does a ‘VR CMS’ do? It obviously ‘manages’ VR content. However… what does that actually mean? By using a VR content management system, organizations gather, create, distribute, and organize all VR content in one central location. […]