Succesvolle investeringen in Amsterdamse Virtual Reality Startup maken VR toegankelijker als e-Learning tool.

Smartvrlab | Transix strategic partnership

Reeds €59.000,- geïnvesteerd in Smart VR Lab door angel-investors en strategische partner. Amsterdam, 21 januari 2021 De Amsterdamse onderneming Smart VR Lab heeft in haar eerste investeringsronde, uitgevoerd via, reeds een bedrag van €59.000,-opgehaald, waaronder een significante investering van de managed serviceprovider Trans-iX. Smart VR Lab ontwikkelt een Content Management Systeem voor Virtual Reality. […]

What is the best VR for business? Oculus vs Pico.

Oculus v Pico

Oculus and Pico are two amongst a list of Virtual Reality (VR) headset giants available in the market today. As many would ask themselves the question whether one is better than the other in terms of their technical specifications, it all depends from what perspective you ask yourself that question in the first place.  Are […]

What is a Virtual Reality Content Management System?

Smart VR Lab VR CMS

Virtual Reality Content Management System – that is a mouthful. Let’s stick with the abbreviation VR CMS. So what does a ‘VR CMS’ do? It obviously ‘manages’ VR content. However… what does that actually mean? By using a VR content management system, organizations gather, create, distribute, and organize all VR content in one central location. […]